When your vehicle has electrical problems, if you’re like most people, you begin to feel just a little bit panicky. Correcting electrical problems can be expensive—but not always—so don’t fret quite yet!
If your electrical problem involves alternators, bad battery terminals, blown fuses, dead batteries fusible links, or faulty switches, we can get you back on the road for less than you can probably imagine.
Other not-as-expensive electrical problems include bad spark plugs and spark plug wires. (A tune up can solve these routine electrical issues.)
But more-involved electrical problems can take longer to diagnose, and a lot of expertise to solve. These are, of course, pricier fixes.
Hybrid automobiles can have costly battery-replacement issues.
The solenoid—the magnetic coils that distribute power to the starter and provide the power that opens automatic door locks—is also a prime culprit when it comes to electrical issues. A bad solenoid can be misdiagnosed (by armchair mechanics) as a bad starter or dead battery since a bad solenoid prevents the engine from turning over when you’re trying to start your vehicle.
No matter what kind of electrical issues you’re having, the AAA-approved auto repair , ASE-certified master mechanics here at G&J Auto Center can find and fix them. And although we can’t guarantee “the lowest prices in town” (because we don’t consider lowball prices the best gauge for making sure your vehicle will continue to serve you safely and reliably), we do guarantee you a 24-month, 24,000 mile warranty on all repairs for parts and labor. So when you have electrical issues, come see us first! (541) 752-3445